The Well

A wellness resource dedicated to providing people of color resources and referrals to live their best life. 

When you’re not represented in a certain space you don’t even know the practice exists. I love wellness and what it can do for one’s mind body and spirit, however I know it can be hard to seek out something, when you don’t feel included in that space. The Well will show you people of color in the wellness space and the gifts that they offer. The well is your source for wellness products and experiences created by BIPOC. 

3 Ways to Clean Your Yoga Mat – Plus, how often you should be doing so

Hello yogis. Whether you’re new to yoga or experienced, one common denominator of this practice is your yoga mat. A yoga mat and a yoga practice go hand in hand, you can’t really do one without the other, although some people may try. It should come as no surprise that yoga mats get dirty, and depending on how often you practice yoga your mat may be very dirty.

So why should you clean your mat? Well aside from following basic cleanliness, you should clean your mat to help disinfect the germs it collects, eliminate any smell it may have, and to prevent bacteria buildup that will cause you to have breakouts on your skin.

It’s very easy to forget to clean your yoga mat, but now more than ever it’s very important for everyone to clean any surface they come in contact with. Show your mat how much you care by using one or all of the 3 ways below to clean your mat.

Option 1: DIY Disinfectant

Mix equal parts distilled water and white vinegar, with a little bit of tea tree oil in a spray bottle. Tea tree oil is a regularly used antimicrobial that effectively kills nasty bacteria and fungi lingering on your mat. Combine that with the antibacterial properties in white vinegar and you’ve got yourself an easy DIY disinfectant for your mat.

Once you have your disinfectant all prepared, take your spray bottle and spritz the solution on both sides of your mat. Why both sides? Remember one side of your mat is touching your body, and the other is touching the floor. Use a towel to wipe down your mat.

Option 2: Treeactiv Yoga Mat Spray

Treat your yoga mat with a refreshing and powerful blend of natural essential oils and extracts. This spray includes tea tree oil and witch hazel, which have strong cleaning properties. It also includes eucalyptus and peppermint to help awaken and revitalize the senses. This spray is affordable, and comes in a very cute travel size bottle that fits perfectly into any gym bag.

Simply shake well before using, and you have the option spray several times onto a clean cloth or towel, or directly onto your yoga mat. Wipe down your mat using this spray. This spray is paraben free, made in the USA, Non-GMO, Cruelty-Free, and vegan. To grab your bottle click here.

Option 3: Soap & Water

When your mat is extremely dirty or pungent this is the time to give your yoga mat a good old fashion scrub down with soap and water. You can use dish soap if you like as well. Simply take your yoga mat place it in the tub or shower. Use a few drops of soap, you don’t want to submerge your mat in soap, so just a little will do. Then take some warm water and scrub your mat with a microfiber cloth, or sponge. Once clean, allow your mat to air dry completely before rolling it back up.

Additional Information on Cleaning Yoga Mats

Many people have wondered if you can put your yoga mat in the washing machine? The answer is, it depends. Overall it is not recommended to put your yoga mat in the washing machine, but there are a few yoga mat brands that allow for this option. Please check with the brand your mat is from before throwing it in.

Another question people often ask, is if they can clean their mats with Clorox wipes? While it’s understandable to want to use these wipes for your mat, the ingredients are actually too harsh for a yoga mat. Clorox wipes contain very strong ingredients that can wear on your mat. There are other types of wipes, specifically for yoga mats that have natural less harmful ingredients, perfect to use on your mat. Tidy Yoga Mat Wipes are a good recommendation, and they smell like lavender. To grab some for yourself click here.

A dirty yoga mat is a wonderful sign that it is being used. Every time your come to your mat you place your energy on it, and it helps you release and relax. Having a dirty yoga mat is a badge of honor, it means you’re showing up for yourself and giving yourself sometime of self-care, which I also like to call self-love. It’s best to clean your mat after each class, or at least every other class. Keep practicing yogis!

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