The Well

A wellness resource dedicated to providing people of color resources and referrals to live their best life. 

When you’re not represented in a certain space you don’t even know the practice exists. I love wellness and what it can do for one’s mind body and spirit, however I know it can be hard to seek out something, when you don’t feel included in that space. The Well will show you people of color in the wellness space and the gifts that they offer. The well is your source for wellness products and experiences created by BIPOC. 

4 Ways to Help Yourself When Feeling Overwhelmed

Ever felt overwhelmed? You know that feeling of everything at the moment, being just too much to handle. The ever-growing laundry list of things to do, or feeling constantly pulled in different directions by several people. In today’s world, with our busy lives, it’s easy to become overwhelmed. When you feel overwhelmed it can make it hard to keep things in a healthy and balanced perspective. Often it can be hard for some people to event recognize when they’re overwhelmed. It can show up for some as a lack of focus, an inability to know what to do next. It can feel like everything is insurmountable, so there’s no point in even trying. It can also take the form of tiredness, irritability, a lack of patience or empathy.

Feeling overwhelmed is a part of being human. Everyone at some point feels overwhelmed by expectations, responsibilities, and a lack of time. However, dwelling on the feelings of being overwhelmed can be detrimental to both your mental health and your productivity. Remember that feeling overwhelmed is OK, especially now. It also helps to remember that feeling overwhelmed doesn’t have to last. Give yourself some grace and be kind to yourself. The next time you find yourself being overwhelmed and in need of some relief, try the following 4 self-care solutions below.

1.     Allow predictability to be your friend

When life begins to feel out of control, and you’re overwhelmed it can be helpful to introduce some predictability into your routine. Having a routine can help you take back control of your life, and erase any distractions that may pop up and derail your energy. Try waking up at the same time every day, shower, exercise, and eat meals at regular times. It can be easy to let go of your routines, especially when you’re feeling overwhelmed. Having a routine will help you bring predictability into your life, instead of letting the days blend together.

2.     Turn Away from Technology

A huge source of feeling overwhelmed, is the constant bombardment of technology during every waking minute. From emails, to social media, to texts, and other notifications, it’s no surprise that our digital way of life could be adding stress to our lives. Give yourself permission to set limits on your availability and usage of technology. Perhaps try turning off notifications for your apps, or setting time limits on when you look & respond to emails. Place boundaries around technology, and don’t allow if to control you.

3.     Talk with a Friend

I have a best friend, Trenice. I’ve known her since middle school, and we’ve grown up together. She and I don’t live in the same state, we rarely see one another in person, but whenever things pile up, a good phone call with her can help me tremendously. When life seems a little too much simply talking to a close friend, who is removed from your immediate surroundings can offer much relief. They know and care about you, and can allow you to be vulnerable and share in a safe space. Your friend may even be able to help you find a solution, or just be there to simply listen.  

4.     Take a Nap

Rest is productive! Don’t be fooled into thinking that you must be “busy” every waking moment, or else your life is not productive. That’s such BS. Listen to your body, and allow it to rest when needed, especially when you’re overwhelmed. A good 15 to 30 minute nap can be just the ticket to helping you feel better, when overwhelmed by the bustle of day to day living. Naps can give you and your mind a nice reset, and help you show up in a more positive and clear minded manner.

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