The Well

A wellness resource dedicated to providing people of color resources and referrals to live their best life. 

When you’re not represented in a certain space you don’t even know the practice exists. I love wellness and what it can do for one’s mind body and spirit, however I know it can be hard to seek out something, when you don’t feel included in that space. The Well will show you people of color in the wellness space and the gifts that they offer. The well is your source for wellness products and experiences created by BIPOC. 

unconditional love

7 Ways To Love Yourself Unconditionally

“There is no greater fulfillment than living with a positive mind and a heart full of unconditional self-love.” – Unknown

This Sunday is Valentine’s Day, and while many are focusing on how they can show love to others, it’s important to remember to provide love to yourself. Self love for many can seem hard to attain, and many don’t know where to begin even cultivating it from. As humans we’re naturally conditioned to desire love. This is a natural need that everyone wants. Real self love  is something you can’t buy, or force. Therefore, it is available to everyone. Real self love is about healing, helping, supporting, and empowering yourself. It’s about examining our beliefs about yourself and your life, and ensuring those beliefs are beneficial to your complete health and happiness.

The goal of unconditional self-love is to live our best life with a sense of wholeness, health, peace, and empowerment. If you feel you need to cultivate more self love for yourself, the good news is you can, at any time. You have the power to love yourself completely. Your power enables you to change your life for the better and to make the world a better place.

True self-love is not about judging ourselves from any past shame or condemning past experiences. True self-love is about being kind to yourself, being your own best friend, and walking in harmony as your best ally, supporting yourself along your life’s journey. Loving yourself unconditionally means you accept yourself, your weaknesses and your strengths.

The real love you’re looking for can only come from within. Someone else’s love will feel great, but it’ll never be enough to truly be happy and lead a fulfilling life. The love you seek is already within you. In case you’re looking for some ways to love yourself unconditionally, look no further. Check out the 7 ways below, and begin to cultivate more love today.

7 Ways to Unconditionally Love Yourself

1.     Have an attitude of gratitude


When you’re grateful for what you already have, you open up more space for you to receive even more to be grateful for. Being thankful for what you have and where you are in life, is crucial to loving yourself. Gratitude is a practice and a way you can show love to yourself. Being grateful is a way of appreciating the actions you’ve taken to be where you are.

2.     Remove yourself from toxic relationships


In order to love yourself, you must remove anything or anyone that brings negativity into your life. Allowing toxic relationships in your life is a form of disrespect. When you disrespect yourself, you cannot love yourself. Walk away or extremely limit your contact with toxic people, and watch how your life will begin to flourish.

3.     Forgive yourself & others


As long as you’re mad at yourself or someone else, you’ll never be free. Forgiveness is an important component to loving yourself. What’s done is done. What’s happened is in the past. Forgive yourself for the past, and look forward to the future. When it comes to forgiving others, this is not about them, it’s about you. Forgiveness for others allows you to free and love yourself of negative energy. When your forgive others, you’re able to create space for more love and positive energy to come into your life.

4.     Be kind to yourself 


You cannot attract what you don’t represent. If you are not kind and loving to yourself, how can you expect others to be kind and loving to you? It’s great to hold yourself accountable, have goals, etc…, but do not criticize yourself into a version you desire. Use positive self talk, affirmations, and pamper yourself.

5.     Honor what you consume


Your mind and body is your temple, what are your feeding it? You love yourself by consuming things that are nourishing to your mind, body, and soul. Be more conscious of what you eat, watch, and listen to. Make sure whatever you consume has positive energy, is uplifting, and is helping you feel your best.

6.     Let go of what you cannot control


You can control some things, but not everything. Please let go of the notion you can force things to turn out how you expect. Expectations are often the cause of suffering. Let yourself off the hook, and embrace the moment. Learn to let go and go with the flow.

7.     Live and embrace each day / don’t subscribe to unrealistic expectations


Your life is just that, it’s yours! Stop subscribing to the expectations of others and/or society. As long as you live your life by doing what others think you should do, you’ll never be living authentically. You are a unique and special soul. You were created to live your life, and not someone else’s. Your power is that there is only one you. Stop trying to be a copy, when you were born to be an individual.

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