The Well

A wellness resource dedicated to providing people of color resources and referrals to live their best life. 

When you’re not represented in a certain space you don’t even know the practice exists. I love wellness and what it can do for one’s mind body and spirit, however I know it can be hard to seek out something, when you don’t feel included in that space. The Well will show you people of color in the wellness space and the gifts that they offer. The well is your source for wellness products and experiences created by BIPOC. 

8 Simple Ways to Uncomplicate Your Life – Lead a happier, healthier, & simpler life

“Be as simple as you can be; you will be astonished to see how uncomplicated and happy your life can become. “

Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated. Now for sure we all know life is and will never be perfect. In life and even in our day to day there are responsibilities, and challenges that must be handled. However, there’s still a lot extra stuff that unfortunately receives a lot of our mental and physical energy that just don’t deserve our attention. Simplicity boils downs to two steps, identify the essential and eliminate the rest. The average day can be pretty simple, but we often make it more complicated than necessary. Learn how to uncomplicate your life with the 8 simple ways below. Change is gradual, but completely possible, no matter where you are in this moment. Ease into these recommendations, and begin to change your life. You are never too old to learn to uncomplicate your life.

1.     Stop living in the past, and embrace the future


The past is done, there’s no going back. Instead of mulling over what could have been or happened, look ahead to your future. Take the lessons you’ve learned from the past, and use them as wisdom on how to be better in the future.

2.     Have a positive outlook, but let go of expectations


A positive mindset can help you lead a better life. It will not save you for never experiencing any disappointments, but it’ll definitely help you view the world in a better outlook. Having a positive outlook means being positive, but letting go of expectations. Many times, when we have preconceived expectations of people or events that we can’t control, it can lead us to become hurt and sad. By letting go of expectations you can focus more on the present moment, and just enjoy the ride.

3.     Decline invitations – stop doing things out of guilt or FOMO


One of the best ways to uncomplicate your life is by declining invites to things you don’t want to go to or do. No, is not a bad word. You can politely decline an invite, and you don’t need to make an excuse or feel guilty. Your time is precious, and you should spend it on things you enjoy and want to do.

4.     Release relationships that are draining


Let go of the people that make you feel unlovable or unworthy. You know the type; these people can suck up the air when the walk into a room. They’re never pleased no matter what, and they literally suck the energy out of you. If you have people who in your life like this, remove them. If you can’t remove them completely, at least begin to limit your interaction with them.

5.     Tidy up your space once a week


A clean home creates a clear mind. Your home is your sanctuary, and when it is tidy you feel more at ease and less anxious. A messy home can lead to a cluttered mind. Cleaning your space once a week will help you tremendously live a simpler life.

6.     Stop trying to be liked by everyone


If you desire to be liked by everyone, then you are fighting a war you’ll never win. You are a beautiful, one of a kind human being. You were made to stand out, not fit in. You will not be for everyone, and that’s ok. You should enjoy and embrace those who accept you just as you are.

7.     Quit being busy, and become productive


Busy and productive are not the same thing. You can be busy all-day watching Netflix, or you can be productive creating a side hustle or reading a book you love. Know and understand the difference. People who constantly brag about being busy, are often filling their schedules up with mindless tasks, to avoid focusing on the things that perhaps scare them. Stop being busy, and lead a productive life.

8.     Be a decent person – do the right thing


In life, you get what you give. It sounds too simple, but frankly it’s a universal law. When you treat others as you’d like to be treated, and operate from a place of honesty and love, your life will reflect who you are. You can’t expect to have an uncomplicated life, if you’re a nasty person to others.

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