The Well

A wellness resource dedicated to providing people of color resources and referrals to live their best life. 

When you’re not represented in a certain space you don’t even know the practice exists. I love wellness and what it can do for one’s mind body and spirit, however I know it can be hard to seek out something, when you don’t feel included in that space. The Well will show you people of color in the wellness space and the gifts that they offer. The well is your source for wellness products and experiences created by BIPOC. 

Self-Care to Handle Burnout & Stress – 5 Cures Inside

Feeling chronically exhausted and totally over it? It’s important to know the signs of burnout.

Burnout: A response to a prolonged period of stress that’s characterized by complete mental and physical exhaustion.

Have you ever experienced burnout? Have you slept for hours, but still feel tired when you wake up and are going through your day? Have you experienced anxiety or feelings of depression? Have you loss motivation and energy? If you answered yes to one or all of these questions, then chances are you are burned-out.

2020 has been an unexpected and crazy year, to put it mildly, so it should come as no surprise that you or someone you know has, will, or currently is going through burnout. I've hit this space before. Whenever I'm overextending myself, doing too much, or not honoring the boundaries around my mental health, burnout happens. Burnout can be caused by several different things, such as:

·      Not knowing when to say no

·      Prioritizing others over yourself

·      Not being appreciated for what you do

·      Listening to people complain about the same thing

·      Having a strong urge to control situations outside of your control

Now that you know what burnout is and some of its causes, you may wonder how can burnout be cured? Good news, burnout is curable, however the cure is not just simply popping a pill. You will have to make some changes and devote some time to yourself.

5 Cures for Burnout & Stress

1.    Become more selfish / Make Time for yourself

Take time off. You are not indispensable to your job, they will
cope without you. If you are an entrepreneur, you still need to take time off.
Get a change of scenery, got out of your normal routine and just relax. If you
can’t afford a vacation, then take a staycation.

2.    Focus on your sleep habits

Create some habits that will allow you to get a better night’s rest. Ensure you close your blinds and get some curtains that will block the light from getting into your
room. Place a diffuser in your room and use lavender oil in it. Keep your phone
and other electronics away from your bed.

3.     Calm Your Mind

If there is constant chatter going on in your head, this is a sign you need to quiet your mind. Meditate, do Yoga, or Reiki. If you can’t leave your home check out free meditation apps or visit YouTube for meditations and yoga sessions.


4.     Admit You’re Struggling

No one is a mind reader. Only you know what’s truly going on inside. You don’t need to tell everyone how you feel, but if you are experiencing burnout & stress tell someone. Tell your boss, tell your partner, tell your friend, tell me. You’ll be surprised at how things can get easier when you tell people how you feel, and they offer to help. Telling people lightens your load. It’s an opportunity to not just inform but get assistance.


5.     Be Kind to Yourself

Know that it will take time to feel like you again. But also know that you’ll feel better soon. Give yourself what you need to feel better.


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