The Well

A wellness resource dedicated to providing people of color resources and referrals to live their best life. 

When you’re not represented in a certain space you don’t even know the practice exists. I love wellness and what it can do for one’s mind body and spirit, however I know it can be hard to seek out something, when you don’t feel included in that space. The Well will show you people of color in the wellness space and the gifts that they offer. The well is your source for wellness products and experiences created by BIPOC. 

You Are Important – 5 Ways to Put Yourself First

“When you start sacrificing yourself for other people, you make them a thief, because they are stealing from you what you need and they don’t even know it.” — Iyanla Vanzant

There’s a big misconception in society that putting yourself first is selfish. This is a lie! Putting yourself first is not selfish, it’s responsible. When you think of putting yourself first, what thoughts come to mind? Do you feel anxious? Do think people won’t like you? Are you unsure of even how to? There will be only one you ever in this life. You matter. You are important. You deserve to put yourself first.

Putting yourself first doesn’t mean you’re oblivious to the needs of others, you can still give others your time and attention, but putting yourself first means not sacrificing yourself, your care, and your sanity for the sake of others. As a former reformed people pleaser, it took a long time for me to realize you can give to others, but there must be a balance. There’s a saying, you can’t pour from an empty cup, and the same can be said for ourselves. You have to replenish your cup, your care, your sanity.

When you start putting yourself first and taking care of yourself, your happiness and wellbeing increases. You’ll vibe a higher vibration, and your energy will be contagious. When you’re happy and well the people you care for will reflect your vibe. So wanna know how to put yourself first? Check out the 5 ways below:

1.     Take Care of Your Body

Your body requires care, and this includes exercise and proper nutrition. Exercise can and does look different for everyone. You don’t need to join a Cross Fit if that’s not your thing. Walking, hiking, yoga, tennis, Zumba, these and other forms of exercise are all options available. Your body is your temple that allows you to perform in the world, it needs to be conditioned in order to operate at it’s best. Nutrition is just as important as exercise. What you eat has a direct impact on how you feel. Putting processed foods, alcohol, and sugar can’t allow your body to perform at its best. Lean towards natural foods, whole grains, and water in order to feel and live your best.

2.     Stop Saying Yes

Did you know you can say no, if you don’t wish to do something? No is a definitive statement, and it does not require any explanations from you. Saying no can be freeing, and it is a wonderful way to establish boundaries. No can also be followed with a better time or option that works for you, and your schedule. Never allow yourself to feel pressured to do anything. This is vital to putting yourself first.

3.     Rest is Productive

In the hustle and bustle digital age we live in, not only are you constantly receiving messages and news, you’re constantly being told to move, work hard, and accomplish more. The message of grinding or working to get to the next level, makes you feel that in order to be successful in life you must always be doing something. This is not only untrue, it’s unhealthy. You require rest. Your body requires rest. Adequate rest is crucial to your overall wellbeing. Your rest is a requirement to putting yourself first. A healthy sleep requires 6 to 8 hours, so put the phone down, turn off the TV, and rest.

4.     Indulgence Is Needed

While exercise, nutrition, and rest are all important you’re not a robot, so from time to time it’s important to treat yourself. Have that nice glass of wine, enjoy that massage, or binge your favorite show. You can incorporate these indulgences into your routine once a week. Reward yourself for simply being you.

5.     Change Your Scenery

Due to the current world we live in, many have been unable to explore new places. While this may be the case, changing your scenery can allow you a little time to yourself, and help change your perspective for the better. Go for a drive and view the beautiful scenery. Find a hiking trail and explore it with a friend. Have lunch outside at that restaurant you’ve always wanted to try. Get out of your day to day environment. This will help with you become energized, and it’s a great way to put yourself first.  

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