The Well

A wellness resource dedicated to providing people of color resources and referrals to live their best life. 

When you’re not represented in a certain space you don’t even know the practice exists. I love wellness and what it can do for one’s mind body and spirit, however I know it can be hard to seek out something, when you don’t feel included in that space. The Well will show you people of color in the wellness space and the gifts that they offer. The well is your source for wellness products and experiences created by BIPOC. 

Your Self-Care Might Displease Others

On your journey of growth, self-discovery, and walking in your purpose, know that all these positive steps you’re taking might displease others. I know that may sound crazy, but it’s true. When you begin to make healthy changes, some people may not be able to accept or support the progress you’re making.


The things that are healthy for you may not be well received by others. If you are making healthy and positive changes in your life, know that you are not doing anything wrong. Some people in your immediate circle cannot handle who you are becoming. Understand that other healthy people do not find it offensive when you’re being a healthy person.


Being true to yourself is more important than pleasing others. While we all know change is inevitable, many people do not like change. When people or situations change, many find this uncomfortable, and don’t take it well. Here are some ways your self-care might displease others:

-       When you create and/or exercise boundaries

-       When you grow

-       When you honestly state your feelings

-       When you deny a request

-       When you assert yourself

-       When you speak up for yourself

-       When you no longer engage in old habits

-       When you begin a new healthy routine

-       When you seek therapy

This is by no means an all-inclusive list, but these are some examples of when your self-care may displease others. So what should you do, if you discover you’re not receiving the support you’d hoped for from those closest to you?


First, acknowledge your feelings. You might immediately feel sad, lost, alone, or confused. Know that whatever you’re feeling is normal, and take time to process your emotions. Second, express how you’re feeling in a safe space. Processing emotions is always a great step, but you need to let out your emotions in a healthy way. You can share how you’re feeling with another person you feel will understand you, you can share with a therapist, or you can even journal out your feelings. Third, change your perspective. For those who may be displeased by your positive new changes, view their rejection as your protection. You may no longer align with people from your past, but this opens you up to gain new positive people that you are aligning with.


On your journey of growth, know not everyone can go where you’re going. Some people are only meant to join you for a certain amount of time. When people begin to fall out of your life, understand that this may be for the best. It’s natural to miss people, but not everyone in your life will support where you’re meant to go. You are not alone. This is a life lesson everyone experiences. If you continue to walk in your purpose you’ll find that those who have left, will soon be replaced by those who will uplift you. Keep moving forward. You’re doing a great job.

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